The User Profile button can also be found on the top right corner of the Dashboard.
Click on this button and then click the Settings button to be taken to the Account Settings page. In order to make changes, click the "Edit" button on the right hand side.
Log out: Log out of Cambridge Elevate.
Account settings: The Settings page displays your account information including your profile picture, your user role (teacher or student), your email and your school. You will then be able to:
- Add a new profile picture by clicking the Browse button
- Change your first and last name
- Change your email address. Please take care when entering your email address as password reset requests will be sent to this address.
If you need to make changes to your account information, click Edit on the right side of the screen.
- Change your first and last name
- Change your email address. Please take care when entering your email address as password reset requests will be sent to this address.
If you need to make changes to your account information, click Edit on the right side of the screen.
Reader settings:
Click on the “Reader Settings” tab. You can change the font type and text size of titles here. Font type changes are made to all books you have access to*. Font type changes are saved in your settings and will be kept even if you log out. Text size changes are not retained.
*Please note that it is not possible to change the text settings for some titles or sections of titles as these have been fixed to keep the appearance of the title.