This walkthrough will show you how to:
- - create new teacher and student users
- - add codes to users' accounts
- - edit user details in bulk
Downloading the template
You must use the template to upload new users of edit existing users.
2. Click on the Import/export options button
3. Click on Download User Import Template - XLSX
Creating new users with or without book codes
You can only enter one book code in a cell.
Book codes should appear exactly as they appear in your order.
Adding book codes to existing users
3. Copy the users' information you want to amend or add book codes to.
4. Paste the user information into the Download Template .
NB: For existing users you don't need to include passwords in column E.
You can only enter one book code in a cell.
Book codes should appear exactly as they appear in your order.
Adding more than one book code to a user's account
You can add more than one code to a user’s account in the same spreadsheet, but not in the same row. To add more than one code in the same spreadsheet you need to duplicate the user’s information into a new row.
1. In the Download Template, copy the user’s information into a new row.
You can only enter one book code in a cell.
Book codes should appear exactly as they appear in your order.
3. For new users, you only need to add a password the first time you add this user.
Validate and import your records
To add these new accounts and codes you need to import and validate the Download Template spreadsheet.
Make sure you’ve saved the spreadsheet.
1. Click on the Import/export options button.
2. Click on Import – XLSX.
3. Click Browse and find your spreadsheet.
4. Click on Validate to see if the spreadsheet parses. The total number of valid and invalid users are included.
5. If there are any invalid users click the Download report button to find out the issues.
Common issues
1. After importing, you may see ‘Invalid user records’ in the Overview Report area. To find out about these issues in more detail, click Download report.
2. Any issues will be highlighted in red in the report spreadsheet, Remarks (column K) has specific information about issues.
Duplicate email addresses
Change email address before re-uploading spreadsheet
Duplicate email addresses
Change username before re-uploading spreadsheet
Duplicate usernames
Special characters (e.g. @) are not allowed in the username
Username errors
Download new template and transfer information across
Added or removed columns from the template spreadsheet
Download new template and transfer information across
Missing information from required columns
Add information to required cells before re-uploading
Book Codes already in use
The Book Code has already been used by another user
Book code not applied
The user is not within the 90 day renewal period for this title.
Message "Unable to parse the uploaded file. Please try again!"
If you have added or removed columns in the Download Template. Download a new template and transfer information to the new file.
3. Once corrections have been made, reimport and validate the spreadsheet.
4. Once the upload is complete, if you have created new users or edited users in your groups, you will see all of the users on your account and users will be able to see books that have been added to their accounts.
Completing the Download Template
Please note that the spreadsheet is sensitive to changes and particular characters. For the spreadsheet to parse the upload process, you are unable to add/remove columns.
Required fields
The required fields (highlighted in bold) are:
• first name (column B)
• username (column D) this cannot contain special characters e.g. @ and must be unique
• password (column E) this is optional for existing users
• user type (column F) this is either "Teacher" or "Student"
• email address (column G) this must be unique
Optional fields
The optional fields are:
• ElevateID (column A)
• Lastname (column C)
• Year Group (column H)
• Academic Year (column I)
• Book Code (column J) this is in XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX format
All columns have comments providing additional guidance.