To mark subjective questions, click on 'Evaluate'.
Until you have evaluated questions, they do not appear in reports.
Until you have evaluated questions, they do not appear in reports.
Within Evaluate you can:
1. Change the assessment you are evaluating
2. Change the student you are evaluating
3. Change the question you are evaluating
4. Read the question text
5. Read the answer text
6. Add evaluator comments
7. Add marks
8. Cancel, Save and Submit your evaluation.
Students will not see you evaluation until you click submit (8), but you can save your evaluation at any time and return later to complete.
1. Change the assessment you are evaluating
2. Change the student you are evaluating
3. Change the question you are evaluating
4. Read the question text
5. Read the answer text
6. Add evaluator comments
7. Add marks
8. Cancel, Save and Submit your evaluation.
Students will not see you evaluation until you click submit (8), but you can save your evaluation at any time and return later to complete.